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When asked why I became a psychologist, I always respond, "I believe that people should be able to talk about anything that is troubling them without feeling inhibited, judged or condemned." In order to achieve my career goals, I moved to Houston to complete my graduate training in Clinical Psychology at Baylor College of Medicine. I particularly love this city because of the cultural diversity, food, rodeo and sports. My work has allowed me to meet some of the most fascinating people from around the world. I am always reminded that no matter a person's background, we all have experienced pain, and long to be loved. As a sports enthusiast, Houston satisfies my competitive appetite as I follow many of the college and professional teams that this city showcases. For many years I have proudly called Houston home-and now I sport my first pair of red cowboy boots.

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My office is in north Houston at 12941 North Freeway, the Wells Fargo Bank Building, Suite 205, Houston, TX 77060. Minutes from downtown and easily accessible by the Sam Houston Beltway. 


As you enter my waiting room, you are welcomed into a peaceful sanctuary that insulates you from the noise of the world and invites you to exhale and relax. 


As our journey begins, I love to watch clients transition from a place of "OMG what have I gotten myself into?" to a place of comfort and safety, realizing, "Whew, that wasn't so bad. I'm glad I came." 

Reputation of Integrity, Professionalism and Results

I earned my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Louisiana State University, and I am a very proud LSU Tiger. "Geaux Tigers!" LSU and sports have taught me many valuable “life” lessons about goal setting, hard work, disappointment and self-discipline.  I often incorporate stories from the worlds of collegiate and professional sports into my therapy sessions to demonstrate practical life lessons. Sometimes those lessons are fun and exciting, but sometimes they are painful. 

Licensed by the state of Texas, I have 30+ years of experience in private, legal, medical, business, and educational settings. Don't let my age mislead you, I have worked with children as young as five, and seniors who are living in their 8th decade of life. My clients are from all walks of life. I allow my clients to explore very sensitive, and often painful issues, without feeling condemned or judged. 

I work with individuals, couples, families, groups, children, and adolescents around issues of abuse, divorce, addiction, trauma, grief, cultural diversity, pre-marital counseling, effective parenting, marriage-enrichment and conflict resolution. I am also available to lead small groups on these topics in churches, businesses, and community settings. 


Professionalism and Results in Law Enforcement


I was honored to work with the Houston Police Department for twenty (20) years. I was named the Director of the Psychological Services Division in 2005, and in 2013, the African American Police Officers League recognized me for my leadership and service to the Department. I retired from HPD in October 2014, leaving a legacy of "support without stigma" to the men and women in law enforcement who must never forget to take care of themselves as they protect and serve the community. My years in law enforcement were and remain the MOST challenging, meaningful, and rewarding years of my career. Since retiring, I have expanded my private practice and now consult with local and statewide law enforcement and fire departments in the areas of recruit screening, critical incidents, and Fitness for Duty Evaluations.


The Rewards of Our Journey

  • Develop or expand your life perspective so that it transcends the details of your current life. 

  • Build your resilience so that the challenges of life don't knock you down or keep you down. 

  • Learn to live life fully—no matter your circumstances

  • Continue your journey empowered with life-transforming attitudes, perspectives and skills.

Grounded in a Legacy of Faith

No matter how hard I work, I always remember that faith and family are the essence of living life fully! My legacy to my children and all who know me is: " Love God first, and from that place, fully live the life He created, called, and equipped you to live. Towards that end, in 2012 I attended my first Superbowl; in 2015 my children and I embarked on a skydiving adventure; in 2019 I went skiing for the first time; and in 2020... you know that story. But the Pandemic did not end my bucket list! I will make a pilgrimage to Ghani in 2024, and I’m working on a couple of artistic ventures that will allow me to fulfill my musical desires on a teeny tiny scale. What legacy will you leave? What adventure(s) are you ready to embark upon? How can I join you on your journey?

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